Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Its gotta be 50/50

Ive been neglectful, sorry my dear blog. Well, aside from my emotional break down, everything is going great! Ive been getting some killer work outs in every day and about 10-11 hours of sleep a night! Heaven, I know...esp to the moms out there. But I feel great! Some updates:

Ive decided that persistence must be rewarded, so Ive agreed to a date with Uncle Fester. The dude will literally not give up. Who knows, maybe hes the man of my dreams ;-)Anyway, I told him Im busy for the next week and a half but we can have dinner after that. Sorry, still gonna make him work for it. But that should be a VERY interesting post! I wonder if Ill even recognize him??

Two, sometimes when life flat lines, ya gotta shake it up a bit. So Im very happy to report that Ive made some very important decisions today that I am extremely excited and terrified about! I am not yet at liberty to report on the details. But what I will say, sometimes you just have to dive head first in to the deep end....close your eyes, hold your breath and pray to GOD that you dont hit the ground head first. Especially as you get older, you have to have some sense about you, learn from your life lessons but also grow some, excuse me, balls along the way. Its 50/50. Its that happy medium that I think makes a person, like me anyway, really happy. Anyway, today was all about the 50/50. I will report when I can, but be ready my blogging friends, a HUGE adventure is just around the corner!!

Keep it real my friends...and as a good friend of mine from Jackson always says, that I still say to this day...and I continue to live by....dont talk about it, BE about it ;-)

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